Pastor Star R. Scott
Pastor Star R. Scott
Pastor Star R. Scott is Senior Pastor of Calvary Temple in Sterling, Virginia, where he has ministered since 1973. Calvary Temple is a church where the full counsel of God's Word is believed, taught without compromise, and lived in obedience to Jesus' Lordship.
Calvary Temple ministries include Discipleship Training, adult Bible college, media ministry, and aggressive missions program.
In addition to the pastoral gift, Pastor Scott functions in the fivefold offices of Apostle and Prophet. He has planted churches and currently oversees the pastors and ministries of numerous satellite churches.
The teaching gift of Pastor Scott is prophetic and visionary to the Body of Christ. It is a ministry which earnestly contends for the faith, insisting upon sound doctrine.
For the past two decades, Pastor Scott has ministered on radio and television, and traveled internationally teaching the uncompromised Word of God. He has ministered to millions in the Sword of the Spirit miracle rallies, mission trips, and pastors' conferences.
Many of Pastor Scott's teachings are being transcribed into book form and are being systematically released. Visit the Sword of the Spirit Website for more of Pastor's teachings.